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♥ Saturday, September 1, 2007 ♥

So the 2-3 class had started their lesson. Their form teacher was Komyou Sensei, untidy and nerd teacher. Same low as them. Bu before the lesson started, Kmyou sensei asked his class's name.

"Hait, before we start the lesson, I wanted you to introduce us all. Okay, starting with you," he said, pointing the boy from far right.

1rst row:
"Ano... Naoyama Asao desu."
"Amuro Kenta desu."
"Kogure Natsumi desu."
"Keigawa Makoto desu."
2nd row:
"Shibasaki Tomoko desu."
"Koyama Ichi desu."
"Ikuta Shun namae desu."
"Yamashita Hideaki. Yoroshiku!"

3rd row:
"Hajimemashite, boku wa Awamoto Kairi desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimass ne minna-san..."
"Toda Mika desu. A repeat student from last year.. Heehee.. Yoroshiku onegaishimasuuu..." (Giving peace mark)
"Fujiki Misaki. Another repeat student from last year... Please gentle with me. Aha!! Jodan-dayo!"
"A.. A.. No... Manatsu Sumire desu." (Real NERVOUS!!)

4rd row:
"Michigawa Kobuta... Desu"
"Hait, Awamoto Kairei desu. Yoroshiku na minna-san. Hope get along soon!"
"Nishiyama Kaoto desu. Yoroshiku.. Hallelujah Chance!"
Everybody stared at him..
"Ano... Gomen.. Too excited," he took a seat.
"Kagura Natsume desu."

"Ok, I hope you all can get along soon. Saa, let's start the lesson. Open page 1. Ah.. History of Japan book. Ah yes. Good," Komyou-sensei muttered. So they studied all day until the recess time.

KRIIINGG!!! The bell for recess time rang. Everyone at the class began to run to canteen. Felt hungry. Kaoto rest his head on the desk. Feeling quite tired when the first day of school you got to study on the first place. He had not yet hungry himself. Kairei, who was busy helping himself eating his bento said, "Not eating, Kaoto? You'd bring your mum's bento aren't you?" Kaoto replied in mumble way, "I'm not hungry. I'll eat it later."
"Well, okay. As long you'll eat it."
As Kairei was eating, Kairi took his chair and joined them. "Ne, what do you guys think about our new class? Great? Cool? Fun?"
"Hmm... Okay for me. But it's last year students Only the new was that Kagura siblings."
"What about you, Kaoto?" asked Kairi, lowered his head to see Kaoto's face. And Kaoto gave a thumb up while his head still resting on the desk.
"Ah.. Tsumannai yo, Kaoto. You're still no change at all."
"Hait, I'm going to buy a milk. Mata na," said Kaoto, bringing out his bento and put it on the desk. "And DON'T TOUCH MY BENTO."
"Hait..." his two friends said in cute voice. Kaoto snorted.
"Kaoto, where are you going??"
"Buying a milk, of course."
"Oh.. Ok..."
"How's your class, Katsuya?"
"BORRRING... No fun at all. All of them was stuck up about themself. And what's more, they're aiming to be 2-1 students!"
Okay, I'm going to toilet..." said Kairei.
"Me too..." said Kairi.
"Now wait, guys! Are you going to leave me alone here?? Hey!!"
Before he could stop, Kairi and Kairei already left. Only him and a few students in 2-3 class. He looked around and waving his hand, but they just ignored him totally. So he spotted Kaoto's bento.
Is that Koato's bento? He's not eating it? Well, I take it.. Wait, if I take it, he would scold me. But why he's not eat it in the first place. *Growl* Oooh my!! I'm soo hungry. Maybe just take a bite will help me. Yes... Just a bite. He opened it slowly, looking around afraid someone might caught him eating. He chewed the food. Oishii!!! Kaoto's mother knows the best! She's wonderful cooker. *Looking around* Ok,,, I'll just finish it. No one notice me...
Chotto, Katsuya... You're eating my bento? Huh, no can do," mumbled Kaoto and sat on his chair, sighing. "You don't mind, Kaoto?" asked Katsuya still chewing.
"You can take it. Besides, I'm not really hungry myself. So if I do, I can always drop at my dad's place."
"Your dad still running restaurant?"
"Yep. He is."

(To be continued...)

1:23 AM

♥ Monday, June 18, 2007 ♥

Ah!! At last it's finished!!" whispered Katsuya.

All students were busy to check their own classrooms. "Okay, let's check our class," said Kairi. They checked their name.

Class 2-1 (Super-Genius-Express)
1. Akiwa Tokiwa
2. Asuwa Mira
3. Hitsumi Arai
4. Rusamu Juria
5. Rosoka Masao
6. Emei Risa
7. Anaogo Anna
8. Akiyama Akira
9. Oishii Saoto
10. Saotome Yuno
11. Tokiwa Jurome
12. Oorai Jin
13. Saba Yoko
14. Kamiki Aya
15. Seiyama Ryuu

Class 2-2 (High Standard-Average-Acceptable)
1. Amasawa Keiji
2. Dasahi Asah
i3. Takaya Yuki
4. Madao Suria
5. Lee Young Hee (Taiwanese)
6. Kim Ryu Seun
7. McMuffin Franklin
8. Hishii Jasmine
9. Migimoto Katsuya
10. Hanayo Kayo
11. Atsuda Sanki
12. Osada Miwa
13. Asamawa Kito
14. Lee Yosuke
15. Murabe Kito

Class 2-1 (Low Standard-Rebellious)
1. Ikuta Shun
2Koyama Ichi
3. Fujiki Misaki
4. Toda Mika
5. Noyama Asao
6. Awamoto Kairi
7. Awamoto Kairei
8. Kogure Natsumi
9. Kogure Natsume
10. Mishigawa Kobuta
11. Amuro Kenta
12. Keigawa Makoto
13. Yamashita Hideaki
14. Shibasaki Tomoko
15. Manatsu Sumire
16. Nishiyama Kaoto

Yatta!! We're same class again, Kaoto!" exclaimed Kairei. The three of them hugging each other happily where else Katsuya seem disappointed. Kaoto asked, "Which class are you in, Katsuya?"Katsuya didn't reply but just pointed. The three ofthem looked up. Katsuya in class 2-2. They gaped, "Sugoi yo, Katsuya. You're in class High Standard. Nt like us 'Low Standad'. We're too far away from you.""But I wanna with you guys. I'll be alone. Who I'm gonna talk and joke?" sobbed Katsuya. Kairei said, "It's okay.. Eventhough we're not in class together we can still meet in recess time or other time. You could come to our class if there's no teacher."Katsuya thanked with emotional. "Zannen dane we're not in the same class anymore just like last year," said a tall-shoulder boy. "Ah, Ryuu-kun. So desu ne. We may not in the same class but we can also hang out together, rite Kaoto? Sou da, Ryuu this is Katsuya. Katsuya, this is Ryuu. He's same class with us last year," murmured Kairi. Ryuu and Katsuya shake their hand.

The male teacher called students to go back to their class. "Ne, meet me on recess time," Katsuya reminded. Kaoto, Kairi and Kairei nodded in agreement and went to their class. Their class was so long away to the hall because they're low.

(to be continued....)

1:47 AM

♥ Sunday, June 17, 2007 ♥

"Kaoto! Dou desuka?" asked Kairi from hallway. Kaoto replied, "Iiyo. Kairi, guess who is this?" He pointed at Katsuya who was standing beside him. Katsuya grinned. Kairi's jaw dropped halfway as he pointed his finger at Katsuya in disbelieve. Real disbelieve. Kairi began to stammered, "Ah.. Are...Are... You're Katsuya, rite? Migimoto Katsuya, if I'm not mistaken." Kaoto and Katsuya looked at each other, they smiled at Kairi and clapped their hands, "Honto yo!"

"Uwahh!! Hisashiburi dane. Genki yo, Katsuya?" asked Kairi, glad with arrival of Katsuya. "Kekko desu na. Kairi-chan, you're still cute as ever. Like a girl," praised Katsuya. Kairi blushed and gaped his mouth. "Tokoro de, Kairi. Where's Kairei?" said Kaoto, turning his head right to left. "Oh that's remind me. He has an awful appetite this morning. So I think he's in toilet," told Kairi. "Awful appetite, eh? Let's see... I haven't see him for many years," grinned Katsuya.

So three of them went to toilet to check on him especially Katsuya. They're arguing a lot when they were in Kindergaten. Looks like Katsuya couldn't forget all memories with them even though he was still small.

Katsuya knocked on the door since Kairei was alone in the toilet, "Kairei-chan. Agete-yo!! Guess who is this?" There was aloud noise from where Kairei took the toilet's bowl. It seems like Kairei was saying which they couldn't hear what he saying. Katsuya kept knocking door which made Kairei annoyed mostly. The door banged. Before Katsuya could run, Kairei already choked him out.

"Kuso na omae!! Why'd you make such a ruckus when I'm having my 'business'," growled Kairei still wouldn't letting Katsuya go. Kairi and Kaoto tried to handle him but Kairei was too strong especially he was mad! So Kairi thought it's better to let him do what he wanna do instead making troubles on their first school. But it's worse for Katsuya because he got choked to death!

At last Kairei cooled down and slowly let him go. Katsuya sighed in relief. Then Kairei laughed, "Sorry, Katsuya. Long time no see." Katsuya said, "Long time no see too, G-O-R-I-L-L-A..."

"Argggh!! Not that name again!!!" cried Kairei. "Okay, okay. Cool down...," comforted Kairi. Before Kairei could answer him back, the voice of male teacher announced, "Okay, students. Please go to a hall. We'll begin our speech there. So make sure the 3rd-year head boys and girls to take the 1rst-year students to the hall. Not just heads but all 3rd-year students! 2nd-years students too! Hurry up, don't waste ur time here. Shitsurei shimasu."

"Man, got to go to the hallroom again? What can principle say? Just some piece of advices..." groaned Katsuya. "Nope. I think this year is the best year," said a gardener. Four of them startled. Feeling weird with an unexpected arrival of gardener. The old gardener just shown his smile and went back to his work.

Kaoto wrinkled his forehead. This year is gonna be a best year? Are you sure, old gardener? Well, if that's true, please pray for me because everyday look same. And I don't like it.... Please make my day brighten, happiness, sastify, enjoyable, fortunate, bliss and more meaningful.

(to be continued...)

3:34 AM

♥ Saturday, June 16, 2007 ♥

"Who're you?" Kaoto wondered. He sniffed the boy's uniform. I think I'd know this smell. But who?
"Kaoto, wasureta? Ore da! Katsuya da!! Migimoto Katsuya!" exclaimed the boy called Katsuya. Kaoto blinked his eyes. Still wondering. He had heard that name. Then he flashed back when he was playing at the playground. He saw a boy about his age was standing above him. Jumping on him without a reliase. Then the boy introduced himself

Boy: Ore no namae wa Katsuya. Migimoto Katsuya. Yoroshiku ne.
Kaoto: Unn... Nishiyama Kaoto. Yoroshiku.
Katsuya: Ne, you're look salty.
Kaoto: What??!

Back to reality.....

"Ah!! Omoidashita! Katsuya, the one who calledme 'salty'? Are't you?" Kaoto asked. He patted his head. Katsuya smiled and nodded, "Yappari omoidashita na. You're still remember, thank goodness. Or else... I CHOKE YOU HALF!!" Kaoto laughed. He knew Katsuya was only joking around. He wouldn't do that unless he makes a mistake. Both of them quiet. Watching suroounding them. Everyone was busy talking and meeting some their old friends or perharps meeting a new friend.
"It's been a long time since both of us aren't seeing each other," Katsuya sighed.
"Yeah," replied Kaoto. Sighed of happiness.
"Is that all you can say? Man, you're still 'salty' as ever," said Katsuya looking at Kaoto with a sly smile on his face.
"Don't ever call me that name!!" cried Kaoto banged his head on Katsuya's shoulder. "By the way, Katsuya. What made you come back here? I know you'd transfered to Hokkaido."
"Well, you know my folks divorced and then I had to stay with my mum in Hokkaido. Actually my dad wanted to raise me up but he wasn't rich as it now. So he got to let me go. Before the spring, my dad called us up and told us that he wanted to take me to Tokyo. Well, I agreed on it since it's my chance to get to know him better. And he never has a girlfriend, and that's make me relieve."

Kaoto: Sooka. Shiawase na mitai.
Katsuya: So.. So.. Shiawase.
Kaoto: Hey... That's remind me. Do you know the cousins? The Awamotos?
Katsuya: (Forget but closed his eyes to remember) Hmm... Ah! Kairi to Kairei ka? Soso, I'd remember them. How're they doing?"
Kaoto: Great! What's more, they applying this school too. Actually they wanted to go study at Australia but changed their mind quickly.
Katsuya: Same school as us? Sugoi! At last we met!

Kaoto: It's them!! Hurry up, Katsuya.

(to be continued)

12:13 AM

♥ Wednesday, June 6, 2007 ♥

First school doki doki shita!

Kaoto scratched his head slowly. He looked outside the mirror. Asa da, he thought. Without realise, he has forgot that itoday was his first high school. He gaped his mouth. Oh no! I'm gonna late! Better hurry up! Baka no Kaoto. Kizutsukerarenai ka?

He then took a bath as fast as he can. Miyano prepared a breakfast. She saw Kaoto in downstairs hurrying to go to school. Miyano went to him and gives him o-bento. "Kaoto-kun, o-bento wa wasurareru mono."
Kaoto said, "Aah! Oka-san, I'm late now. Hayaku! Give me!"
Miyano followed him until outside the gate. Kaoto wore his shoes quickly. He has no time to wave at his mother.
Miyano waved at him happily, "Take care, Kaoto-kun!!! Gambatte-yo!!"
The dog barked.
Miyano saw the dog. It was Manao. Their neighbour's dog. It always at their house because the owner went to honeymoon.

Yappari I'm late after all... Kaoto ran shortcut through the walls. Usually he rides bike but his bike was thrashed by a huge lorry when Miyano used it when she went to the market. If only I'm good runner.... If only my bike isn't thrashed as it used to be... If only I woke up early... Things wouldn't be so hard...

There he reached his school. Yatta! I've made it... Good thing it hasn't started yet. I can take a bit of relax. He took a sit at the canteen. He panted and flew his book toward him.

"Kaoto, is that you?" said someone.
"Huh? Who're you?" Kaoto wondered.

(To be continued...)

9:16 AM

♥ ♥

Commits Suicide

Oh yeah... I've read about the news. There was a man aged 33 years old died in suicide. He jumped out of the wndow when everyone was asleep. Such a shocking news but usual. Work as security guard. He commited suicide because he was tricked by one of his friends. Soon he found that his money were all taken, without thinking, he jumped without regret.

8:42 AM

♥ ♥

An introduction...

Boku wa Tokohima Atsushi desu. Domo. Hajimemashite. Tokohima Atsushi is a little fellow who would tell you an incredible story of life. The character whom I choose to tell is Nishiyama Kaoto. An ordinary boy who has started his high school. The one who I choose are lucky people who are quickly and easy to change surounding theirs.

His family are quite unique one. His parents, Nishiyama Kaito and Saigumi Miyano are both had him when they're only 9 years old. When his parents divorced in the age of 16, Kaoto chose himself to lived with his mother, Miyano. Miyano is a sweet young lady who was patiently raising him with Kaito. Eventhough their parents were hard to accept them. Kaito is a sweet man who always smile shown and flash on is face. Never worried anything and most supporting father!

When Kaoto had schooled in elementary school, He got to stay at his father's home. There he get better and close with Kaito. In weekdays, they went to the beach or anywhere else.

Well... The most interesting story begins when Kaoto has started his first high school. His world become upside-down. Merry go-around.

7:24 AM